A competitor is using Jim's in their online campaign, how do i stop this?

Sometimes competitors to Jim's will try and use our trademark to use in their Adwords campaign or boost their SEO. 

Step-by-step guide

If you come upon this please do the below:

  1. Bring it to the attention of the Jim's Legal Department by emailing as much information as you can to documents@jims.net, example of relevant information includes;
    1. URL or website address
    2. Screen shot of page
    3. Term that you searched or 'googled'
    4. Date and time you found the infringement
    5. Your geographic location when you saw the infringement (this is because some Google searches are only in a particular location, so may not be seen by legal who is based in Victoria).
  2. Jim's Legal Department will then assess the situation and seek a resolution via Google or other means.

Jim's Group is responsible for the protection and enforcement of Jim's Group intellectual property so please raise all matters regarding this with Jim's Group.