FMS4 - General Support FAQ

FMS4 - General Support FAQ

Allocation of leads problems

Check the sub-page about allocation FMS4 Leads / Allocation Support FAQ

Job Entry / Pickups


FMS4 is plagued with performance issues and is prone to crashes due to several reasons:

  • User submitting too many requests while the server is responding. User should wait for the server to respond before submitting further information on the Job Entry screen. I.e. wait for the load indicator to stop spinning and disappear before further inputs, some requests are sent when user exits out of a field, FMS would often crash if user tries to Tab through the input fields too rapidly.

Known error with entering pickups

User gets Type Mismatch error when clicking the Pickup button on the Job Entry screen. I found that the following sequence consistently generates the error:

  1. Enter any service

  2. Enter any suburb

  3. Enter the address but select one from the drop-down that is in a different suburb to step 1

  4. Click the Create Pickup button

The error is non fatal and the user can click Continue. However if they do, only the service and suburb are copied to the Pickups screen and they would have to re-enter all of the other details they have on the Job Entry screen.



Why didn’t I receive the SMS/email message for a lead?

Check this case by case, the messages page under the FSE records or the Job in question would have a history of all the outgoing messages. Check to see if the paging number and email address is correct. Check the FSE’s profile in FMS4 to see if they have opted out of receiving certain types of SMS in the “Misc” page. Also check the “paging number” and “paging company” information on the main Franchisee profile screen.


Why did I get a lead message outside of my hours?

The work requirement times in FMS are when the franchisee is available, not when they will receive lead messages. FMS use these times to determine when franchisees are working so we know whether to tell the customer that they will be contacted in the next 2 hours or the next working day (or either if it is near the end of the franchisee’s working day). FMS also needs to know the day the lead is for so it can allocate correctly (some franchisees want only a certain number of leads each day).

Currently, if a lead is booked online between 9pm and 8am (in the franchisee's local time zone) the SMS message is delayed until 8am. This is to reduce work interruptions to franchisees overnight. In all cases the email message is sent immediately.

This process is under review for the new FMS system to have after hours lead messages (both SMS and email) to be queued and sent when the franchisee is next working.

Customer Surveys

How can I re-send a survey request?

Franchisees can do this via Jim’s Online

Surveyed for a job I didn’t do - what do I do?

Reach out to your Franchisor to have the Survey removed.


Complaint for a job I didn’t do - what do I do?

Reach out to your Franchisor to have the Complaint removed.


Can I please have (data)?

Franchisees can first ask their Franchisors for their data if it’s not available to them via reports on Jim’s Online.

If it is Franchisor who’s requesting for data they should ask Divisional Support first to see if they are supposed to get this data.

This report is not consistent with that report

Reports in FMS4 has been built and changed many times over time and the reporting filters for the 2 reports in question could be different.


“Fees are wrong”

Contact Finance team or Divisional Support

Can you please re-run my region’s FSE Billing?

Redirect to Tier 2 support.


I can’t find suburbs in (state)

Check to see if the user has the proper settings in “Your Preference”. Suburb list is filtered against the states indicated on the “Setup” → “Your preference” page.

In the rare case that it’s a new suburb, Call centre managers have the access rights to create a new suburb record in the system.

I need to be able to …

Varies case by case, 2nd tier support

I want to create an user account for FSO’s employee

  1. Go to Infotech → User

  2. Click on the “Add user…” button

  3. Enter the user name and select the same role as the employer, e.g. Regional Franchisor. User name should be in FirstName.Surname format


  4. Then set up the password for the new account

  5. Set the Default office and Default state same as the employer

  6. On the Franchisor tab, add the same Franchisors as the employer

  7. Click on the “Edit person…” button, enter the user’s name for the first name, then put in “Employee of xxx” as the surname

  8. Enter email address and mobile if provided.

Suburbs and Streets

I can’t enter a pickup because (suburb/street) is missing

Call centre managers have the access rights to create new suburb/street records in the system.

System Errors

FMS crashes randomly

Try to ask user to take things slow with FMS4. Consecutive requests sent to the server will cause errors and crash FMS4. User should wait until the server has finished processing a request before sending through another.

FMS crashes consistently

Take note of which page/field/function is causing the crash and redirect to Tier 2 support

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