Email Spam

Email Spam


Email Spam is a major problem on the Internet but there are some things you can do to reduce the amount you receive.


While there’s a huge amount of spam and viruses that get blocked on the email servers, spammer and virus senders are constantly improving their emails to appear genuine and often mask their emails to look like they have been sent from someone you may know, making it impossible to be 100% sure everything is stopped.

You may find that the email addresses are online somewhere, which has been “harvested” by a spammer. These lists are then sold to other spammers. Often innocent looking websites, competitions (online or not) and the like, request an email address to allow access etc. but these lists may end up being sold. We recommend you should only provide your email address to companies who will not share your details with other companies.

Internet security is a constant “catch up” game these days and it is the responsibility of all users of Internet enabled devices such as PC’s, laptops, Smart phones & Tablets, to remain vigilant by keeping their Internet security software up to date, running regular full scans, and being cautious in visiting websites and opening emails.

Your Internet Security / Email protection software may be able to be “tweaked” to improve the filtering, though this may also increase the occurrence of “false positives”. This is when genuine emails are suspect to be spam.

If you’re using Microsoft Outlook on a PC, you can manually right click and choose to block the sender.

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