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Live | 04/03/2024 | FSE & FSO Miscellaneous screen is now available (read only mode, no editing yet) Added state filter to job search More FSE codes have (x) and other letters appended, as always let us know what we've missed! Complaints/Commendations panel in FSE details Customer Surveys button in Job Details is now live (when applicable) Improvements to lead notes layout/sorting
Live | 04/02/2024 | FSE Enquiry entry is ready to go! FSE Enquiry search is available, but details screen is still in progress Can now re-allocate leads to a Bizza contractor (if you have permission) Enhanced job search screen, to show types (Unserviced, Pickup etc) Enabled “Same day guarantee” checkbox in job details Improvements to Super Search Performance improvements everywhere (unserviced is still slow unfortunately ) FSE codes should have (x) and other letters if applicable everywhere - if we’ve missed anywhere let us know!
Live | 17/01/2024 | Formatted phone numbers in many places (let us know if we missed any) Added ability to allocate leads Contractors even when FSEs are available Messages can finally be sent as complaints! Changes to Super Search, with links to FSE details, Work Needed, Past Messages, and also a paste and clear button added to make it easier to use FSE info panel added to lead entry, allowing quick view (and copy) of basic FSE info without leaving Lead Entry screen FSE Work Needed screen is live. This is a big one. It functions very similarly to FMS4. FSE popup messages can be added/changed in the Work Needed screen Lead details has had huge changes - you can now change the service, and also reallocate leads!
Live | 20/11/2024 | All leads should now show up as entered by whoever actually did the entering (no more stealing leads off each other ) The "No franchisee offering service in the area" shows up as soon as the system knows, without needing you to enter details The weird double-text thing in the “Send Job To” box should not happen
Live | 13/11/2024 | Messages!!! So many new buttons in this release…you now have ability to send messages from Job Detail screen, Job Search screen, FSE & FSO search screen Fixed super search (was showing incorrect mobile for FSO) Many, many behind the scenes changes to allocation, especially around entering/modifying client name
Live | Week of 7th Oct | Search any calendar day in job search (must select the same from and to date) Notes display correctly in dark mode Job entry screen: Default tick happy to receive special offers Rearranged buttons to reflect FMS4 more closely Allowing “ in message notes (previously caused error) Allowing addresses when Google Maps and Auspost disagree (taking Suburb name as source of truth) No one available popup now appears as soon as possible rather than waiting for the user to enter all details Many improvements to job entry workflow (enabling/disabling fields when required, better error messaging, hopefully less “huh, what just happened?” moments
Search screens usability greatly improved, and standardised Added ability to filter by Service in FSE search Sorting FSE in dropdowns by active first Added copy icon across many fields, allowing one click copy of important data Improvements to Super Search (Faster searches, clearer results) Added timeout popup if user stays on the same page for 24hrs
UAT | 05/08/2024 | Fixed timezone issues Fixed spellcheck issues Search results export now exports all rows FSE timezone messages display in job details Same day service features now all enabled (messages/popups etc) Added support for call transferring (messages and checkbox on screen - not auto transfer!) Fixed lots and lots of other issues!
UAT | 18/07/2024 | Validation on email format and length Validation on phone number length Implemented correct behaviour for no franchisees available, or no one offering services in the area Lots of other various errors fixed Remaining known issues:
UAT | 16/07/2024 | Ability to add red flag note to jobs Allowing all Google addresses (even weird ones) Fixed issue in some browsers that were trying to ‘help’ by suggesting previously used mobile numbers Much more field validation added to job/pickup entry (button disabled and message appears if not enough information has been added) Improved previous jobs loading speed (noticeable in pickup)