We issue free leads in the following instances when we are notified within the two-hour time frame. We do not issue free leads after two hours.

  • Staff error – such as if the contact details or service are incorrect.
  • If the customer cancels the service in the two-hour time frame. JP Staff will confirm with customers. We're unable to issue free leads without confirmation.
  • Double-up lead – if you receive the same details twice.
  • Same day bookings – unless you have chosen to accept same day leads.


We DO NOT issue free leads if:


  • The suburb or service is incorrectly listed on your account. It is your responsibility to ensure your account details are correct.
  • Customers don’t return your call. Please be sure to call as quickly as you can and send a backup text message as well as leave a voice message. You can also log into your account to see if the customer provided a secondary contact number or email address.
  • If the customer doesn’t go ahead with your quote. This includes instances when the customer thinks you're too expensive.